Kareena Kapoor embarked on a heartwarming family adventure to Tanzania, Africa, in March. Accompanied by her actor-husband Saif Ali Khan and their adorable sons Taimur Ali Khan and Jehangir Ali Khan, they created beautiful memories. On Wednesday, she shared these precious moments with her fans, posting several pictures from their family vacation on Instagram. In her caption, she wrote, “Savanna girl and boy. Tanzania 2024.”
In the first two photos, Kareena is seen looking at Tanzania’s breathtaking scenery while sitting on a safari. She sported a no-make-up look with black sunglasses and an all-denim outfit paired with white shoes. In the other pictures, Taimur Ali Khan is shown admiring the magnificent views of the grasslands while watching animals, including deer.
Crew, her latest movie, was released on March 29, 2024. Along with Diljit Dosanjh and Kapil Sharma, Tabu and Kriti Sanon play important roles in the heist comedy. Rajesh A. Krishnan directed the film, produced by Shobha, Anil, Ekta, and Rhea Kapoor. Balaji Telefilms and Anil Kapoor Film and Communications Network present it.
Exciting news for all Kareena Kapoor fans! She is all set to grace the silver screen alongside a star-studded cast including Ajay Devgn, Akshay Kumar, Ranveer Singh, Tiger Shroff, Arjun Kapoor, and Deepika Padukone in Rohit Shetty’s highly anticipated movie, Singham Again. Get ready for a power-packed performance!
Source: Instagram
The post Kareena Kapoor shares pictures with son Taimur Ali Khan from her Vacation in Tanzania first appeared on Bollywood Times 11.