Sidharth Malhotra, known for his versatility in romantic comedies and action, is set to return to the rom-com genre. This time, he will be sharing the screen with the talented Janhvi Kapoor, marking their first collaboration. The romantic comedy, Param Sundari, which was announced in December, promises a unique love story set in two states. The latest update is that Sidharth has embarked on his filming journey in Kerala.
Currently, the actor is soaking in the beauty of the Southern state, Kerala. He shared a captivating video on his Instagram story, featuring a scenic waterfall and the caption, “Namaskaram Kerala.” This glimpse of the picturesque location has surely piqued the interest of his fans.
Param Sundari is eagerly awaited for its unique ‘two-states’ love story, where a charming Punjabi boy meets a stunning and smart Kerala girl. In December, three posters featuring Janhvi as Sundari and ‘Param,’ also known as Sidharth, were unveiled to promote the film. Tushar Jalota is the director, and Maddock Films produces this highly anticipated romantic comedy. The movie is set to hit the screens on July 25.
Source: Instagram
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