Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor are under constant media attention after the actor was stabbed by an intruder in his home. Although Saif has returned home safely after brief hospitalisation, and the police investigation is underway, different theories of how things might have unfolded during the night of the attack are going viral. The extreme spotlight has increased difficulty for Saif and Kareena’s family despite the actress sharing a note and asking privacy. Several netizens and news portals have continued to spread baseless rumours. Now, in a recent post, Twinkle Khanna slammed one such report targeting Kareena Kapoor in the incident and showcased her support for the actress in the case.Â
Twinkle Khanna slams false rumours targeting Kareena Kapoor amid attack on Saif Ali Khan
Twinkle Khanna is one of the most upfront personalities in showbiz. The former actress, author, and wife of Akshay Kumar is known for expressing her views without any filter. In her recent blog for Times Of India, Twinkle expressed her disappointment over the unverified rumours blaming Kareena in Saif’s stabbing case. She also highlighted that it is another example of blame shifting on a wife in such event
In her post, the author explained that Kareena had been on the receiving end of baseless rumours and one such rumours claimed that Kareena had been ‘intoxicated’ at a party that she had attended the night before the incident. Consequently, she was unable to help her husband, who reportedly went ahead and tackled the intruder. Twinkle penned:Â
“While Saif was in hospital, ridiculous rumours swirled that his wife hadn’t been at home or had been too intoxicated to help him during the assault. The absence of any sort of evidence did nothing to stop these dumb theories. People just enjoyed shifting the blame onto the wife — an all-too-familiar pattern.”
Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor stepped out from their home with heavy security after the actor’s return from hospitalÂ
Saif Ali Khan was discharged on January 21, 2025. Although Saif has stayed inside his home and is focusing on his injury, earlier in the day, he stepped out from his home for the first time after his return. His wife, Kareena, accompanied him, and the couple was escorted by heavy security. In a paparazzi video, the Omkara actor was seen sporting a comfy look with a navy blue t-shirt, denim jeans, and sunglasses. At the same time, Kareena wore a casual grey sweatshirt, black joggers, and a cap as she entered a car and left.
Saif Ali Khan recorded his statement in his stabbing caseÂ
The Mumbai Police has been actively investigating the case of the knife attack on Saif Ali Khan. Amid other developments, they recently recorded Saif Ali Khan’s statement. In his statement, the actor recalled that he and his wife, Kareena Kapoor Khan, heard screams from their younger son Jeh’s nanny, Eliyama Philip, and rushed to see an intruder with a knife. He quickly tried to restrain him, which led to a scuffle and left him injured. Meanwhile, police have arrested the accused, Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad, and it will be important to see where the investigations lead in near-future.
What do you think about Twinkle Khanna calling out rumors on Kareena Kapoor amid attack on Saif Ali Khan?
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